

2017-08-12 19:23


Essentials of Investments(Annotated Edition) 10-e



念,所以我上網去博客來書局選擇基本的理財方法的書Essentials of Investments(Annotated Edition) 10-e




想要無憂無慮的度過一生,所以看了這本Essentials of Investments(Annotated Edition) 10-e就有所感,就必須預先



不是每個人都天生就會理財看了這本Essentials of Investments(Annotated Edition) 10-e之後,要虛


功課、請教別人或專家或是找一本理財Essentials of Investments(Annotated Edition) 10-e、多累積知識經


這本書Essentials of Investments(Annotated Edition) 10-e是新手必買的書籍





1.Plentiful, high quality end-of-chapter material includes a chapter summary, key terms with page references, Problem Sets (split by level of difficulty), CFA Problems, Kaplan-Schweser problems, Excel problems with templates, Solutions to Concept Check questions, and Web Master Exercises. Appendix B lists each CFA question and the level and year of the CFA exam from which it was derived.

2.Numerous Excel Applications and Problems are included where appropriate. This feature starts with an example presented in the chapter, briefly discusses how a spreadsheet can be valuable for investigating the topic, shows a sample spreadsheet, asks students to apply the data to answer questions, and then directs students to the web to work with an interactive version of the spreadsheet. Select chapters also contain Excel problems and are denoted by an icon. Excel spreadsheets are found within Connect.

3.Numbered Equations are called out in the text and identified by equation numbers, and separate numbered and titled examples are integrated in the chapters. Using the worked-out solutions to these examples as models, students can learn how to solve specific problems in a step-by-step manner as well as gain insight into general principles by seeing how they are applied to answer questions.

4.Current articles from financial publications such as The Wall Street Journal are featured as boxed readings, entitled On the Market Front. Each box is discussed in the narrative of the text to strongly link the real-world relevance to the chapter topics.



  • 出版社:華泰文化


  • 出版日期:2016/06/30
  • 語言:英文

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